Montag, 17. Januar 2011

Happy 2011 in March....

Unbelievable it seems like yesterday when everybody was awaiting the year of 2000.
Now it is MARCH of the year 2011 and Annalie will turn 3!!! this year but we´re still not sure we will let her.
We always say to just freeze her right now because it is such a fun stage she is at the moment.
She talks at least a thousand words and jabbers the whole day. We´re often surprised how fast she picks up new words and se
We had a fun last six weeks while Omi and Grandpa where here. Annalie loved having them over and keeps asking for "Omi and Ampa". They sure knew how to have her have the time of her life.
She even started to pick up a few English phrases like "I love you , how are you, peek-a-boo, let´s go, let´s play, I miss you".
She now knows that she can make other people laugh. So she does that very often. Instead of calling herself "Annalie" she makes up funny names like "Annaluu" "Annala" etc. She loves to dance. She might have picked that up from her cousin Rebecca. She always has to watch her videos where she dances and then tries to dance just like her.
Annalie´s other cousin Maili is three weeks younger and both love to dance when we visit Oma and Opa. It is very cute to watch the both of them.
Michi is happy about his new job at Volkswagen and we couldn´t be happier.
We´re just about to buy a house close to Hannover. It will be build this year and we probably can move in by the end of summer.
Biggest news for this year: At the beginning of August there will be a little sibling for Annalie.
It looks like it´s going to be a boy. We are very excited and happy about that.

Donnerstag, 4. März 2010

Annalie and her hats!

Annalie absolutely LOVES putting "hats" or "ietze" how she calls it on her head. Everyday she either puts on one of her hats or looks for something that might fight on her head (burp cloth, tupperware- bowl, pullovers, birthday-crown just to name a few.) It is soo funny to find her in her room, wearing her hat and reading a book. If you just look at our header you can see that she likes hats.

Sonntag, 7. Februar 2010

She knows how the stove works....

Annalie just found out how to turn on the oven and the stove. This afternoon she turned on all four hotplates and the oven. I called Michi to come and witness what she is able to do already.
He looked at her and asked: "Now who is going to pay for all this?"
She looked at him, smiled and said really loud: "Papa!!!"
We just couldn´t stop laughing. We guess she already knows where to get money from :-)

Samstag, 16. Januar 2010

Walking, talking and helping!

We can´t believe Annalie is more than 15 months old now. She is the best. The moment she wakes up she is one happy active and chatting toddler. She loves to read books, play, dance and laugh. The other night we tried to count how many words she can say and figured she can at least say around 20 words already. 2 days ago she surprised me when being at her playgroup. She all of a sudden started walking. Not just two or three steps but really walking through the room. I couldn´t believe my eyes. She has been walking for some time now but only if she was able to hold on to something. Now she is one happy walker. I love to hear the sound of her feet tip-tapping over the floor. She still walks a little wobbly but gets faster every hour. Walking makes her really happy. Sometimes she just stands in the hall all smiley because she can stand and walk by herself. She is getting quite the little helper lately. She picks up the broom and starts to clean the kitchen. It is amazing to see how fast she learns and picks up things. She wants to do many things all by herself already like feeding herself. After her meals the kitchen usually looks really messy. That´s how they learn I guess :).

Sonntag, 15. November 2009

Endlich mal was neues

Samstag, 27. Juni 2009

Rollmops "Steamroller" :-) much better than crawling.....

Samstag, 30. Mai 2009

Where to start??

I don´t even look when we posted our last blog entry. But we do have very good excuses (diploma thesis..... but I am done now- YEAH!!). Really! We should rename our blog into: News from the bad bloggers :-)
We´ll try and be better.
Annalie is almost 8 months now. She can sit in her high chair in the kitchen and pounds on the table when we say the words "patsch-patsch".
She looks so grown up now. She loves to eat her mashed vegetables and cereal and is a good sleeper too.
Now with two teeth it´s so much fun to bite and chew everything she grabs. We do have to be very careful when we see her looking at the DVD-player across the room because she likes those cords (she will roll there immediately). She can talk more and more like "ba-ba" (Michi is convinced she says Pa-pa), "ma-ma" , "da-da". She is really talkative and smiley. Especially when we go to the store she´s beaming at the people standing in line. She´s our little Roll-around-the-clock-baby. Instead of using her hands and feet to crawl she just rolls everywhere she wants to be and she is fast. When I am in the kitchen I sometimes have to run to prevent her from her from eating stuff she shouldn´t. We do have to childproof our appartment. She is so funny. She sleeps with her legs in the air. She never wakes up the way we put her to sleep. She likes to play in her bed.
In order to make her mommy and daddy proud she loves to play the piano and read books :-).