Montag, 21. April 2008

SCHWANGER -Langsam sieht man´s! PREGNANT-Starting to show!

Jetzt fragen mich sogar Leute, ob ich denn schwanger wäre. :) Es ist so aufregend und wir freuen uns sehr. Übermorgen erfahren wir VIELLEICHT was es werden wird. Wir platzen fast vor Aufregung.
Oh, ich habe ganz vergessen, dass ich vor zwei Wochen ENDLICH meine Diplomprüfungen abzuschließen. Jetzt nurnoch die Diplomarbeit!

People start to ask "are you pregnant". It is so exciting and we are soo happy. Wednesday we MIGHT be lucky to find out whether it´ll be a boy or a girl.
Oh, I almost forgot: 2 weeks ago I finally passed all my diploma finals. Now I only have to write my diploma thesis!

4 Kommentare:

Em and Jorg hat gesagt…

Kristin! YOu look sooooooo cute!!! I love your belly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I cannot wait to find out if it's a niece or nephew. We are so excited! Your mom is bringing some nice clothes for you (I saw them) and I'll add in a few tops.

Keep updating this blog! I love it :)

Em and Jorg hat gesagt…

for some reason my google chat isn't working. I'll have jorg work on it tongight. Because we never catch each other online and i miss you.

also, the little movies should work now...

Emily hat gesagt…

Congratulations! You look so cute! I'm so excited for you! Being a mom is the greatest! I'm guessing it's a little girl!

Seth hat gesagt…

That's so cool! I'm totally stoked for you guys. I know you are going to be an awesome mom! Good luck and I'll be checking in more often to see just what exactly you're gonna be popping out!