Mittwoch, 12. November 2008

Our little Speckmäuschen

Our little sweetie is now almost 6 weeks old. We can´t believe how fast that went. She´s so much fun. A couple of days ago she gave us her first real smile. That was soo cute and made us really happy. Now getting up during the night seems much easier whenever she looks at us and smiles.

Last week we had her third examination at the pediatrician. The doctor said she´s a real girl and a very active child. She even smiled at the doctor. She also gained a good amount of weight (4,4kg or almost 10lbs) and we call her our little "Klopsi" or "Specki".

She normally wakes us one or two times during the night and usually sleeps 3-4- hours and loves to look around or just concentrates on Mama´s or Papa´s eyes for minutes. Whenever we change her she´s like a little squirmy wurm and just dances on her changing table.

We´re so happy with our little funny girl. Life is so much better having her around!!

Today is a special day since we have our 9 year since we started dating anniversary! This is so crazy and we feel very old but it´s been the best 9 years for us and we´re so happy that we have so many years still to come :) and now even happier with our little baby.

2 Kommentare:

bX-2z7hbf hat gesagt…

endlich ein neues bild.
wie suess die kleine annalie doch ist wie eine kleine troll trollibus prinzessin.freu mich schon so sehr auf annalie-na, ja ein klein bisschen auch auf euch
big b

Dusica hat gesagt…

Wow ist sie groß geworden! Ich hab sie jetzt glaube ich fast 2 Wochen nicht gesehen und sie sieht für mich schon so "erwachsen" aus. Sehr schöner Seitenblick Annalie, das mögen Fotografen.
Ich freue mich schon auf Samstag, dann kann ich sie hoffentlich mal wieder gaaaanz lange halten.